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Week 38 - Dry, Tanker, Gas and Ningbo report


The Capesize market experienced a week of mixed activity, highlighted by a strengthening Pacific, South Brazil and West Africa to China routes, while the North Atlantic market struggled initially. Early in the week, the...


Week 36 - Dry, Tanker, Gas and Ningbo report


The Capesize market saw a strong start to the week, particularly in the Pacific, where two of the three major miners became active, leading to a steady rise in the C5 route. However, as the week progressed, Pacific...


September za zdaj upravičuje sloves najslabšega meseca za delnice

Delniški trgi so v preteklem tednu zabeležili najstrmejši padec v zadnjem letu in pol, saj vlagatelje vse bolj skrbi upadanje rasti ameriškega zaposlovanja in potencialno predolgo zaostrovanje denarne politike ameriške centralne banke z namenom omejevanja...


Week 35 - Dry, Tanker, Gas and Ningbo report


The Capesize market experienced a strong recovery this week after a mixed start partly due to a public holiday on Monday in the UK. In the Pacific, the week began with steady activity, but the market initially showed...


Medvedi ustvarjajo naslovnice, biki služijo denar

Naslov je star finančni pregovor o medvedjih in bikovskih trgih, ki zajema bistvo obnašanja trga in psihološke dinamike. Ljudje smo pri mnogih stvareh nagnjeni k negativnim stališčem in zdi se, da je to zapisano že v našem DNK. Zato se upravičeno postavlja vprašanje,...

