Banja Luka Stock Exchange Technical Analysis
Refreshed: 10.02.2025. 17:18:08
Stock Exchange Index Values
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: RSDS-O-K | BA100RSDSOK9
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: VBBB-R-A | BA100VBBBRA1
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: TLKM-R-A | BA100TLKMRA2
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: RSRS-O-T | BA100RSRSOT0
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: MATE-R-A | BA100MATERA8
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: RSBD-O54 | BA10RSBDO546
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: TLKM-R-A | BA100TLKMRA2
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: MDPF-O-L | BA100MDPFOL1
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: RSRS-O-T | BA100RSRSOT0
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: RSDS-O-K | BA100RSDSOK9
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: MDPF-O-L | BA100MDPFOL1
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: MDPF-O-L | BA100MDPFOL1
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: TLKM-R-A | BA100TLKMRA2
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: MDPF-O-F | BA100MDPFOF3
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: CRRF-O-M | BA100CRRFOM6
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: RSBD-O53 | BA10RSBDO538
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: RSBD-O54 | BA10RSBDO546
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: TLKM-R-A | BA100TLKMRA2
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: MATE-R-A | BA100MATERA8
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: MDPF-O-L | BA100MDPFOL1
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Banja Luka Stock Exchange Market News
MKD PRO FIN d.o.o. Istočno Sarajevo - Izvještaj o rezultatima 1. emisije komercijalnih zapisa
| 07.02. 15:08Komunalno a.d. Trebinje - Javni poziv za upis i uplatu 2. emisije redovnih akcija javnom ponudom
| 07.02. 14:56MKD PRO FIN d.o.o. Istočno Sarajevo - Isplata 27. kupona četvrte emisije obveznica
| 07.02. 14:28Rudnici željezne rude Ljubija a.d. Prijedor - prijedlozi odluka 40. Skupštine akcionara
| 07.02. 08:34MKD PRO FIN d.o.o. Istočno Sarajevo - Isplata 19. kupona šeste emisije obveznica
| 06.02. 15:08Vodovod i kanalizacija a.d. Bijeljina - prijedlozi odluka 11. vanredne Skupštine akcionara
| 06.02. 13:11Mesar a.d. Derventa - u likvidaciji - Trajno isključenje sa slobodnog tržišta akcija oznake MESR-R-A
| 06.02. 09:41Žitopromet d.d. Brčko - odluke redovne Skupštine akcionara
| 06.02. 08:05RiTE Ugljevik a.d. Ugljevik - prijedlozi odluka 1. vanredne Skupštine akcionara
| 05.02. 15:04RiTE Ugljevik a.d. Ugljevik - Povećanje broja akcija
| 05.02. 08:15