The Capesize market saw a strong start to the week, particularly in the Pacific, where two of the three major miners became active, leading to a steady rise in the C5 route. However, as the week progressed, Pacific...
Delniški trgi so v preteklem tednu zabeležili najstrmejši padec v zadnjem letu in pol, saj vlagatelje vse bolj skrbi upadanje rasti ameriškega zaposlovanja in potencialno predolgo zaostrovanje denarne politike ameriške centralne banke z namenom omejevanja...
The Capesize market experienced a strong recovery this week after a mixed start partly due to a public holiday on Monday in the UK. In the Pacific, the week began with steady activity, but the market initially showed...
The Capesize market experienced a steady decline this week, with the BCI 5TC falling from $24,521 on Monday to $21,676 by Friday. The Atlantic saw significant fixing activity, particularly from South Brazil to China, but...
Naslov je star finančni pregovor o medvedjih in bikovskih trgih, ki zajema bistvo obnašanja trga in psihološke dinamike. Ljudje smo pri mnogih stvareh nagnjeni k negativnim stališčem in zdi se, da je to zapisano že v našem DNK. Zato se upravičeno postavlja vprašanje,...
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