Sarajevo Stock Exchange Technical Analysis
Refreshed: 09.11.2024. 08:16:01
Stock Exchange Index Values
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BHTSR | BABHTSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: JPESR | BAJPESR00008
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: ENKTRK2 | BAENKTRK2006
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: SOLTRK3 | BASOLTRK3006
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: RZRVR | BARZRVR00006
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: PBJTRK1 | BAPBJTRK1002
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: UMENR | BAUMENR00003
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: STFJR | BASTFJR00007
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: IKBZRK2 | BAIKBZRK2008
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: JPESR | BAJPESR00008
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: STFJR | BASTFJR00007
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: STFJR | BASTFJR00007
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: UMENR | BAUMENR00003
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: SNVMR | BASNVMR00001
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BHTSR | BABHTSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: FBH7O245 | FBH7O245
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: IKBZRK2 | BAIKBZRK2008
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: PBJTRK1 | BAPBJTRK1002
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BHTSR | BABHTSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: PVNFRK3 | BAPVNFRK3004
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Sarajevo Stock Exchange Market News
Na ovosedmičnom trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi - burzi ostvaren je promet od 1.702.998,08 KM. U sklopu 100 transakcija ukupno je prometovan 438.021 vrijednosni papir.
Vrijednost BIFX-a je u o... | 08.11. 15:29
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 23.875,50 KM. U sklopu 15 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 4.484 vrijednosna papira.
Vrijednost indeksa BIFX je... | 08.11. 14:27
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 26.490,50 KM. U sklopu 16 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 4.072 vrijednosna papira.Vrijednost BIFX-a je porasla za 0... | 07.11. 14:50
Shodno čl. 46. Pravila Sarajevske berze – burze, obavještavamo vas da su na Zahtjev Vlade Federacije BiH – Federalnog ministarstva finansija na berzansko tržište - Kotac... | 07.11. 14:24
U oktobru 2024. godine na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 127.449.043,36 KM, što čini 99,00 % od ukupnog prometa koji je ostvaren na BH berzama. U sklopu 330 transakcija promet... | 07.11. 12:11
Na trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 61.028,43 KM. U sklopu 29 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 7.922 vrijednosna papira.Vrijednost BIFX-a je pala za 0,64 %, dok su... | 06.11. 14:52
Na trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 1.284.982,30 KM (1.261.982,30 KM redovne berzanske trgovine i 23.000,00 KM prijavljene trgovine). U sklopu 15 transakcija ukupno... | 05.11. 14:51
Javni poziv za učestvovanje u emisiji obveznica Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine putem aukcije na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi:
• Emitent:F... | 05.11. 10:50
Obavještavamo vas da je Uprava Berze u skladu sa članom 118, stav (4) Pravila Berze privremeno ukinula cjenovna ograničenja (statičke limite) za dionice emitentaEnergetika d.d. Bugojno, simbolUMENR... | 04.11. 14:59
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 306.621,35 KM. U sklopu 25 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 55.720 vrijednosnih papira.Vrijednost BIFX-a je porasla z... | 04.11. 14:42