Sarajevo Stock Exchange Technical Analysis
Refreshed: 21.02.2025. 15:04:37
Stock Exchange Index Values
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: GINXR | BAGINXR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: ENISR | BAENISR00005
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BSNLR | BABSNLR00005
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BHTSR | BABHTSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: SOLTRK3 | BASOLTRK3006
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: GINXR | BAGINXR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: ENISR | BAENISR00005
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BSNLR | BABSNLR00005
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BHTSR | BABHTSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: SOLTRK3 | BASOLTRK3006
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BHTSR | BABHTSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BHTSR | BABHTSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BORBRK3 | BABORBRK3009
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: SNVMR | BASNVMR00001
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BSNLR | BABSNLR00005
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: GINXR | BAGINXR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BHTSR | BABHTSR00000
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: SNVMR | BASNVMR00001
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BSNLR | BABSNLR00005
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Financial Instrument: BORBRK3 | BABORBRK3009
Suport and resistance points are calculated upon Pivot Point values
Technical Analysis Indicators
Sarajevo Stock Exchange Market News
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 158.271,57 KM; od toga je 61.881,57 KM redovne berzanske trgovine i 96.390,00 KM prijavljene trgovine. U sklopu 22 tra... | 20.02. 14:45
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 60.623,51 KM. U sklopu 26 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 4.191 vrijednosni papir.Vrijednost BIFX-a je porasla za 1,... | 19.02. 14:30
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 26.733,18 KM. U sklopu 14 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 4.673 vrijednosna papira.Vrijednost BIFX-a je pala za 3,68... | 18.02. 14:29
Na trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je promet od 8.563,35 KM. U sklopu 6 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 6.736 vrijednosnih papira.Vrijednost BIFX-a ostala je nepromjenjena u odnosu ... | 17.02. 14:31
Na ovosedmičnom trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi - burzi ostvaren je promet od 151.571,11 KM. U sklopu 58 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 15.905 vrijednosnih papira.Index BIFX je ove sedmice porast... | 14.02. 15:18
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 18.529,34 KM. U sklopu 19 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 8.384 vrijednosna papira.Vrijednost BIFX-a je porasla za 8... | 14.02. 14:33
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 29.038,02 KM. U sklopu 10 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 3.930 vrijednosnih papira.Vrijednost BIFX-a ostala je nepr... | 13.02. 14:44
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 6.961,20 KM. U sklopu 2 transakcije ukupno je prometovano 170 vrijednosnih papira.Trgovalo se na Slobodnom tržištu dio... | 12.02. 14:42
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 65.714,55 KM. U sklopu 18 transakcija ukupno je prometovano 1.509 vrijednosnih papira.Vrijednost BIFX-a nije se mijenj... | 11.02. 14:37
Na današnjem trgovanju na Sarajevskoj berzi-burzi ostvaren je ukupan promet od 31.328,00 KM; od toga je 25.828,00 KM redovne berzanske trgovine i 5.500,00 KM prijavljene trgovine. U sklopu 9 transa... | 10.02. 14:37