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Zanimiva delnica: Salesforce

Salesforce ponuja rešitve za poslovanje podjetij v oblaku. Njihova zgodba o uspehu temelji na predstavitvi modela programske opreme kot storitve (SaaS – Software as a Service). Kmalu po tem so sestavili svoj imperij storitev za t.i. front office, na katerem bodo lahko gradili tudi...


Dividend kings

In recent years it has been extremely challenging for companies to navigate the markets. Market crashes, economic recessions, wars, a global pandemic, technology revolutions and shifts in consumer tastes have all left their mark.

But what if I tell you that there is an elite group of...


Zanimiva delnica: Catepillar

Caterpillar (znan tudi kot CAT) je vodilni proizvajalec težkih strojev na podrocju gradbeništva in rudarstva. Leta 2021 je imel vec kot 13-odstotni tržni delež na podrocju težke opreme. V prihodnje bo zelo verjetno ohranil vodilni tržni delež na svetovnem trgu in strankam zagotavljal obsežen...


Black Friday – Shopping Euphoria on the stock market

Black Friday, one of the most anticipated non-official US holidays, will shortly be kicking off this year’s Christmas shopping season. Indeed, since 2005 Black Friday has reportedly been the busiest shopping day of the year in the States. Sales figures posted for this time period set the tone...


Trick or treat on the stock markets

There are a number of horror stories accompanying the markets these days: surging inflation, decelerating growth and energy price hikes. Nevertheless, there is one more spine-tingling event coming up on October 31: Halloween!

While there is of course something particularly spooky about...

